A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Ordinary Time Isaiah’

Sunday 9 February

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 58:7-10; Ps 112; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16 Light your lamp The readings today are about being good and doing good works. Take bread to the hungry, be merciful, just to name a few instructions. Through these good works the world should see a demonstration of the power of […]

Sunday 25 August

Twenty First Week in Ordinary Time Isaiah 66:18-21, Ps.117, Hebrews 12:5-7,11-13, Luke 13:22-30 We’re no greater than we are within the four walls of our homes Jesus tells us to ‘try to enter through the narrow gate.’ We know from John the gate is Christ. We recognise airport gates, where carry-on luggage is controlled. Our […]

Sunday 7 July

Fourteenth week Ordinary Time Isaiah 66: 10-14, Ps. 66, Galatians 6: 14-18, Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20 Sharing in the cross What part does the cross of Christ play in my discipleship? Here Paul writes of the scars suffering has left on his person. He tells me that it is through the cross that I become […]