A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘meditation’

Hidden In Plain View – A Do-it-Yourself One-Day Retreat in Daily Life

Have you ever had the experience where you have searched for something everywhere, over and over, only to have someone else come along and see it immediately, “hidden in plain view”? I think my encounters with God are often like that. I search in books and on tapes, at lectures and in homilies, in groups […]

Christian Contemplation in John of the Cross

In previous chapters I have already touched on John of the Cross. At this point I would like to develop what has already been said at greater length.  We must attune ourselves first to John’s terminology. John assumes that we start the life of prayer by discursive meditation on the gospel and on Christian doctrine. […]

Christian Meditation

In former articles on ‘contemplation’ I confined myself to the Christian tradition up to about 1950. I then wrote articles on secular meditation and ‘Buddhist or Asian meditation’. It is probably true to say that up to about the middle of the 20th century most Christians assumed that they had nothing to learn from the […]

Buddhist Meditation – What can we learn?

I spoke in the last article of ‘secular meditation’ because it is not necessarily oriented to moral values and to virtue. Often it is practised so that one may be more efficient in business or in politics. It could even be oriented to immoral goals. Secular meditation differs a lot from Hindu and Buddhist meditation. […]