Tag Archive for ‘march saints’

March Saints
Saint Teresa Eustochio Verzeri (1801-1852) Saint Teresa Verzeri was born in Bergamo, Italy, the first of seven children to be born to Antonio Verzeri and Countess Elena Pedrocca-Grumelli. Teresa learned from her mother to know and love God. Intelligent, gifted with an open spirit, vigilant and upright, she was educated to discern, to seek true values […]

March Saints
Saint Angela of the Cross Gonzales (1846-1932) María de Los Ángeles Guerrero Gonzáles was born on 30 January 1846 and given the name ‘Maria of the Angels.’ Her parents both worked in the convent of the Trinitarian Fathers. Angelita was greatly influenced by the teaching and example of her pious parents and early on learned […]