A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Fr Delachienne’

A Nightmare and its Consequences

From the Golden Jubilee Speech  of Fr Delach (3) Every house in which someone died became tapu, along with everything it contained. So when someone sick started to decline, they would be removed from the house and sheltered under a tent, a tree, or any other place, and they would die there in peace. René […]

A Nightmare and its Consequences – (2)

From the Golden Jubilee Speech of Fr Delach The second part of Fr Delach’s address to the students at the Institution Saint-Vincent at Senlis, Oise, which is about 40 km north of Paris, translated by Elizabeth Charlton, NZ Province Archivist. By defeating the spell placed on bim by the tohunga, the witch doctors, Fr Delach […]