Tag Archive for ‘forgiveness’

Words and God’s Word
“I admit I made a mistake” The above six most important words can be summed up: “I apologise.” It means expressing, in some form or another, one’s regret or sorrow for hurting or wronging someone else. Sometimes, the hurt has been intentional. At other times, it may be through a misunderstanding; an honest mistake where […]

God gives us lessons from nature about our spiritual lives. An irritating grain of sand made its way into the shell of the marine oyster and on to its protective mantle where it firmly attached itself. The oyster was disturbed and resented the enemy’s threat to its wellbeing and life. If this stressed oyster did […]

Forgive to Live
A woman tells of an eighteen year search for a birth parent because she was given up for adoption as an infant. She felt the questions which were constantly on her mind could only be answered by either her birth mother or father. “I wanted to know why they didn’t want me. I wanted them […]
Thursday 20 June
2 Corinthians 11:1-11; Psalm 111; Matthew 6:7-15 The Our Father When Jesus teaches his disciples about prayer, he suggests that they pray about three things. Firstly, their prayer is about honouring the glory of God. Hallowed be thy name. Then there is the recognition of their dependence on God’s providence. Give us today our daily […]
Friday 14 June
2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Psalm 116:10-11, 15-18; Matthew 5:27-32 Embracing our humanity Sin, failure, shame and guilt are part of the human condition and of our human experience. They invade our sense of self worth and disturb our peace of heart. Sometimes, we deal with them by denial, sometimes by self flagellation. Jesus meets the sinner […]

Abba Father — Who Are You? (4)
Shame at the Service of Love Chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel is very familiar; variously described as the Prodigal Son, the Loving Father, the Lost Son and Brother. At the story’s centre is the unexpected, even disarming spontaneity of the father’s reaction to the son he sees, in the distance, coming back home. This graphic […]
Friday 18 January
Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Psalm 77 (78):3-4, 6-8; Mark 2:1-12 Forgiveness What can we do about our sins? Our memories keep bringing them back. We fail when we try to kid ourselves that we didn’t really sin anyway. Jesus offers us forgiveness. It is something he offers and wants to give. It removes sin, like taking […]
Wednesday 7 March
STS PERPETUA AND FELICITY (OPTIONAL) Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; Psalm 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Matthew 5:17-19 Your words, Lord, are spirit and life Lord, you commanded Moses to teach Israel your laws and customs so that the people would be united in worship under his leadership. Jesus, you are the ‘new Moses’ who fulfilled the work of […]
Friday 12 January
1 Samuel 8:4-8, 10-22; Psalm 89; Mark 2:1-12 Jesus is full of surprises The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. So they say! Isn’t it amazing that we often want what other people have. In today’s first reading, Samuel is getting old, so the people ask for a king to lead […]
Monday 13 November
Wisdom 1:1-7; Psalm 139; Luke 17:1-6 Forgive again and again Now and then, hopefully often, someone will tell us that he or she loves us. It may be a parent or child, a spouse, or a friend. It is a welcome statement! Even more so when it has been preceded by “I forgive you!” Perhaps […]