Tag Archive for ‘family jokes’

Can You Bear It?
At the end of their first date, a young fellow took his girlfriend back to her home. On the front porch, leaning against the wall with a bit of swagger, he decided to try for that important first kiss. He: “Sweet thing, how ’bout a good night kiss?” She: “Oh, I couldn’t do that. My […]

Can You Bear It?
A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from an exclusive jewelry store. “Listen,” said the shoplifter, “I know you don’t want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch and we forget about this?” The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip. The crook looked at the […]

Can You Bear It?
One night a teenage girl brought her new boyfriend home to meet her parents, and they were appalled by his appearance: leather jacket, motorcycle boots, tattoos, and pierced nose. Later, the parents took their daughter aside and expressed their concern. Trying to be diplomatic, the mother said, ‘Dear, he just doesn’t seem like the nice […]