Tag Archive for ‘creed’

Reciting the Creed
I lecture to seminarians about Theology, I am teaching the ‘Trinity’ paper at present. The standard systematic approach to any theological question is: ‘What does Scripture and Tradition have to say about it?’ Scripture is all found in the one book, but the Tradition is harder to define. The most important texts after the scriptures […]

Francis Speaks to the Sick; Reflects on the Creed
To the sick: be a spiritual resource and an asset to the Church On 9 November last year, the Pope addressed seven thousand members of the Italian National Union for the Transport of the Sick to Lourdes and International Shrines (UNITALSI), an association which has for 110 years been dedicated to the sick and frail, […]

“Suffered Death” in the new Creed
An acute observer pointed out to me a change in the version of the Nicene Creed being used in the mass in New Zealand. We had been saying that Jesus “suffered, died, and was buried” but now we say he “suffered death and was buried” which does not seem like the same thing at all. […]