Tag Archive for ‘covid-19’

The Pandemic and the People of God
Fr Gerald Arbuckle SM’s latest book, published in early October, is The Pandemic and the People of God: Cultural Impacts and Pastoral Responses, (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2021), $US25. This article presents an overview of the book. The situation As a consequence of Covid-19 disease, the world is grappling with the most severe health, economic […]

We Must Choose
Prayerful Reflection with the Movie Contagion Watching Steven Soderbergh’s movie Contagion is somewhat disconcerting, which has not stopped great numbers of people around the world watching it in recent times. In one sense, it’s an ‘older’ movie, given it first appeared in 2011. In another sense, it’s uncannily close to depicting our Covid-19 world. Essentially, […]

Mission Sunday 2020 – A Reason to Give Thanks
Recently, I met a person who openly declares that he is an atheist. My only question to him was, “Do you believe in goodness?” And without hesitation he answered in the positive, to which I promptly replied, “That goodness comes from someone!” I did not want to dispute his belief. Rather, I just wanted to […]

Covid-19 – Part 2
Martha said to Jesus, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died”. “Your brother Lazarus will rise again”. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he die. Do you believe this”? “Yes, Lord, she said”. John 11:25, The Resurrection […]

“We are living through an unprecedented time in human history”. New York State Senate Covid-19 Update, March 2020 As this global pandemic wreaks its havoc on the world, I feel certain that books are already being written about the corona virus, covid-19. The world reels as its health care delivery systems and its economies go […]