A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Christchurch’

The Poor in the Streets

It is difficult to maintain composure and credibility as a Christian when confronted by aggressive and ‘in-your-face’ beggars in the streets of Europe’s major cities. Staying 3 months in Dublin, I decided to have a plan to avoid cutting these people dead. I would acknowledge any greeting with some eye contact, and reply to requests […]

Christchurch grieves and prays

AUGUST EDITION: The impact of the Christchurch earthquake continues to resonate in  this month’s edition. An engineer looks at the damage done to the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in the earthquake, during which the statue of Our Lady did an about-turn.  Philippa Winch suggests ways our families can show gratitude, again in the context of the Christchurch […]

Mary pirouettes 180° during earthquake

During the February 22 Quake in Christchurch , a statue of the Virgin Mary in the South Tower of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral was turned 180° in the violent motion. On May 22 she was carried full circle in procession around the damaged Basilica.(cf Front Cover) She was accompanied by 200 people praying Rosaries, and […]

Saturday 18 June

2 Cor.12:1-10, Ps.34, Matt 6:24-34 Useless worry Tsunamis, earthquakes, blizzards, floods; these last few months we have been shown again and again how powerless we are against the forces of nature. Here, in a Christchurch still racked by aftershocks, there is not much chance to forget. Jesus tells us not to worry, there is nothing […]