Tag Archive for ‘book of revelation’

The Book of Revelation (9) Chapters 21:1—22:21
New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem A new heaven and new earth appear. The old earth and even the old heaven, marred by sin, pass away. (Remember chapter 12:7: “And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon” and expelled him from heaven.) John sees “the holy city, the new […]

The Book of Revelation (8) Chapters 19:11–22:5
John gives us seven pictures of the End: the coming of Christ, the last battle, the binding of Satan, the millennium, the defeat of Gog and Magog, the final judgment, and the coming of the New Jerusalem. In this installment we will examine the first six of these. John devotes more attention to the New […]

The Book of Revelation (4) Chapters 7 to 11
The interlude that follows chapter 6 records the sealing of the servants of God. Here 144,000 (12 times 12 times 1000) are sealed, signaling the completeness of God’s promise to save ancient Israel. Also, God’s fidelity extends to a countless multitude of people from every tribe and language and nation. Chapter 6 ended with the […]

The Book of Revelation (2)
Chapters 1 to 3 The inaugural vision of the Risen Christ fills chapter 1. John uses symbols that would be familiar to his first readers/hearers. Jesus is the “firstborn of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth,” an echo of Psalm 89:27 where God appoints David by the title “ruler of the […]

The Book of Revelation (1)
INTRODUCTION Musical praise of God is an important part of the Book of Revelation. Even those who know nothing of the text and message of the book may know some of the hymns based upon some of its passages: ‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,’ ‘Holy, Holy, Holy,’ and, of course, Handel’s ‘Hallelujah Chorus.’ […]