A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Assumption of Mary’

Up, Up to Heaven

I can remember watching the first moon landing. It was probably a few days after the event. There was no capacity to stream live TV in New Zealand in 1969. Someone had to fly to Australia to get a copy of the video for broadcast. The lunar landing grabbed our attention and that of the […]

Hope for the Coming of the Kingdom

It’s early autumn as I write. The dark, dank days will become even darker and danker as winter takes hold. With such short days wrapped in dull cloud-cover, it’s easy to become despondent and worry about things we cannot do much about. Most of us get concerned about many things – all the sadness in […]

On family life and on the Assumption

On family life There is no perfect family. We do not have perfect parents, we are not perfect, we do not marry a perfect person or have perfect children. We have complaints from each other. We  disappoint each other. So there is no healthy marriage or healthy family without the exercise of forgiveness. Forgiveness is […]

Solemnity of the Assumption

The Catholic bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand will gather at St Mary of the Angels Church in Wellington on Sunday 15 August for a Mass to renew Bishop Jean-Baptiste Pompallier’s 1838 dedication of Aotearoa New Zealand to Our Lady Assumed into Heaven. What follows is a section from the bishops’ statement of 24 May 1988, […]

Mary is taken up to heaven …

Manihiki is a coral atoll almost 1,300 km north of Rarotonga, the capital of the Cook Islands. It has two villages, Tukao and Tauhunu. The Solemnity of the Assumption is celebrated each year with nothing short of great gusto in one or other of the villages. If there is a priest available, the Eucharist is […]

Mary’s Assumption

To create this mixed-media representation of Mary’s Assumption, American sculptor Charles L. Madden drew on the image in Revelation of “a woman clothed with the sun”. He combined this image with a couplet from Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from […]