A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Apostle Ephesians’

Wednesday 3 July

St. Thomas, Apostle Ephesians 2: 19-22, Ps. 117, John 20: 24-29 Doubt and believe Every time we receive Holy Communion we put our fingers in the nail holes and our hands into the side of Jesus. We touch his risen body just as surely as Thomas did. Do I believe this? Perhaps I do in […]

Tuesday 3 July

St. Thomas, Apostle Ephesians 2:19-22, Ps.117, John 20:24-29 A loyal pessimist Thomas the doubter! I can’t help loving Thomas, with his honesty and sturdy determination not to be hoodwinked or swayed by emotion. In spite of his gloom and his doubts he never ceased loving and following Jesus, even when he was convinced no good […]