A Catholic Monthly Magazine

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Judaism in New Zealand(Comments Off on Judaism in New Zealand)


Orthodox and Progressive

As with Christian denominations, a range of Jewish religious movements have emerged over the years.

Until the 19th century, Jews were simply “Jews”: the observances were uniformly the same.… More

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Fr Barry Scannell sm – PP of St Mary of the Angels

MM: How have the parishioners coped with the closure of their church?

Fr Scannell: The parishioners have been overwhelmingly supportive. It’s inconvenient because they now have to go to four different venues for Mass on Sunday, and we have Mass in the hall during the week, but overwhelmingly they support our decision to strengthen the building to as close to 100% of the seismic strengthening code that we can actually achieve.… More

Neil Ladyman – Motor Neurone Disease Activist

On the occasion of Motor Neurone Awareness Day,  21st June 2013

MM: Neil, is it true that you first suspected you had motor neurone disease on the squash court when you could not win a game against Fr Phil Cody?More

John Ryall, National Secretary of the Service and Food workers Union NZ

MM How would you define the Living Wage? Is it the same as the ‘just wage’ in Catholic Social teaching?

JR  The Living Wage is a wage which is enough for the worker and his/her family not just to survive but to be able to participate in society.… More

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