A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Crossword for October



1 Hiss Marc! Prepare for gifts of the Spirit! (8)

5 Relapse loses fifty again in church's vaulted recess! (4)

9 A heavenly messenger joins us in a traditional prayer! (7)

10 Obviously surprised by selfless love? (5)

11 Though unrepentant and incapable of reform, run eager teen ragged! (12)

13 Almost leave it to a member of a priestly tribe! (6)

15 The beginning of an idea or of a life concocted by Rome! (6)

17 Any geometric arrangement can produce the results of a nuclear reaction! (6,6)

20 Begin by launching Cathy backwards in marina! (5)

21 A Greek coin (7)

22 Without ado, handout mixed opportunity to search for game! (4)

23 Result over 50% achieved exceptionally but to a moderate extent! (8)


1 Vestment found in Alec's hub! (8)

2 A deadly sin within range! (5)

3 Unlawful activity starts when unwell and ends with a good friend! (12)

4 Pondering nearly becomes entertaining! (6)

6 A prayer book used to add flavour, I hear! (7)

7 Ash falls from heavens becoming smooth, still and balanced! (4)

8 Cameras' slants adjusted to capture sacred ritual actions! (12)

12 The practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. (8)

14 There's no Rio in Victoriana when organised as a city state! (7)

16 The first card starts a decline into apathy! (6)

18 The woman who helped Joshua capture Jericho. (5)

19 Misdirected empathy loses ape and becomes a legendary story! (4)

Solution for September

Across: 1 RCIA, 3 Blessing,
9 Oratory, 10 Owlet,
11 Recognisance, 14 Cue,
16 Epoch, 17 Tee, 18 Disassociate, 21 Alibi, 22 Greeter,
23 Lemonade, 24 Oral.

Down: 1 Roof rack, 2 Isaac,
4 Lay, 5 Stomach aches, 6 Illicit,
7 Gate, 8 Congregation, 12 Idols, 13 Cerebral, 15 Elitism, 19 Altar, 20 Baal, 22 God.

The winner of the Marist Messenger prize for the August Crossword was Keith Shirley of Tawa, Wellington.

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