A Catholic Monthly Magazine

June Crossword



1 Potshot rebounds in place of political and violent unrest! (3-4)

5 Flambeaus prepared without fuel inspire Brazilian dance! (5)

8 French Cardinal and appointed King Louis XIII's Chief Minister in 1624 (9)

9 The address for a knight (3)

10 The round leaden seal affixed to a papal edict (5)

12 Display shingle in a common language! (7)

13 The three central days of the Church's year (6,7)

15 Two handled Roman flask (7)

17 Magma erupts and forms a Greek letter! (5)

19 Aluminium recepticle (3)

20 Christian feast based on the Jewish Festival which commemorated the giving of the Commandments to Moses (9)

22 Fluctuating toys (2-3)

23 "You must never ___ of human nature", Mahatma Gandhi (7)


1 Cask falls from horseback on way to sacred Hebrew mountain! (5)

2 Blatant iciness hides facial twitch! (3)

3 Introduction to the “Sanctus” (7)

4 New Attica diet adjusted for doubly achieved goal! (5-8)

5 Aroused to anger by a bee? (5)

6 The seeking of union with the divine through contemplation (9)

7 Beginning with a short magical incantation the showman produces a Hebrew patriarch! (7)

11 Muddled tennis player, loses ire, and is down to his .....! (4,5)

13 A diocese of the Eastern Orthodox Church begins in the East where it is kind of arid! (7)

14 Entrance (7)

16 An indigenous people associated with reindeer herding (5)

18 A sacred table (5)

21 Egg (3)

Solution for May

Across: 1 Retreat, 5 Shrug, 8 Parish Council, 9 Eye,
10 Episcopal, 12 Anoint,
13 Praise, 15 Venerable, 16 Nun, 18 Surreptitious, 20 Ridge,
21 Scrumpy.

Down: 1 Rupee, 2 Three-cornered, 3 Easterner, 4 Tactic,
5 Sou, 6 Reception room,
7 Galilee, 11 Carpenter,
12 Advisor, 14 Abatis, 17 Nasty, 19 Eve.

The winner of the Marist messenger pen for the April Crossword was  John O’Neill of Thorndon, Wellington


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