A Catholic Monthly Magazine

July Crossword



1 Confused monkeys found in the Church alcove! (4)

3 Glibness results in a prayer for protection! (8)

9 Science reveals a rocky history? (7)

10 Awakes to be an early or a late one. (5)

11 Baltimore car designed to atmospheric pressure! (12)

14 Cold and wet (3)

16 Whinny (5)

17 Wapiti (3)

18 A parish church which is used temporarily
as the Bishop’s church (3-9)

21 The woman who helped the Israelites
capture Jericho (5)

22 Paris taken from resting-place is upset by
lack of care and attention! (7)

23 Percy, he’d converted words into a cryptic code! (8)

24 Remove ice from chimney and sing praise
to God! (4)



1 The ___ Confession became the primary confessional document for the Lutheran movement (8)

2 Track of a wild animal (5)

4 Put down a non-professional ballad? (3)

5 Their gadgets can be arranged to
draw a line! (12)

6 To secretly install in a position of authority against a temporal ruler! (7)

7 “Thus Belial clothed in reason’s ___ counseled ignoble ease, and peaceful sloth, not peace.” Milton, Paradise Lost (4)

8 A disease which can be transmitted (12)

12 Corrupt a Titan! (5)

13 Kneels to reassemble bones! (8)

15 Venerate (7)

19 High pitched (5)

20 A tall story of reptilian proportions? (slang) (4)

22 Born with a different name (3)

Solution for June 


1 Mendicant - Hidden word indicated by secretly " Recommend I cantor"

6 Lay
9 Diesel engines - Anagram of "Deigns Nile see"  indicated by "change"
10 Scholasticate - Anagram of "East Catholics" indicated by "develop"

12 Aphid -  PHD arranged about one = i
13 Slype,
16 Blotting paper,
17 Troop carriers,
19 Vow,
20 Adversity.


2 Episcopal,
3 Despoliation - Anagram of "Antipodes oil" indicated by "discovered"

4 Collar,
5 Ninety,

7 Awe
8 Miscellanies - Anagram of "Slimline case" indicated by "reveals"

11 Top-secret - Annagram of "To respect" indicated by "rearrange"

14 Viscid,
15 Agorae, 18 Roo.

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