A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Stations of the Cross

Outdoor Stations, Groom Texas. Sculptures by Steve Thomas of Pamapa, Texas. Text by Brian O'Connell sm

Jesus brought before Pilate

Jesus is condemned to death. Pilate washes his hands of the deed, sensing a massive miscarriage of justice.

Let us pray: Loving God, you placed your son in harm’s way to show your unconditional love for us. Give us courage to live like his disciples. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Jesus receives the cross

Jesus, already weak from scourging, is laden with the heavy timber on which he is to be crucified.

Let us pray. Loving God, your innocent son shouldered the burden of all our human misery. Give us the strength we need to endure the sufferings of life In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus falls the first time

Jesus stumbles and hits the ground. An agonizing jolt but he picks himself up and carries on. It is the only way forward to his destiny.

Let us pray. Loving God, your beloved son fell under the weight of our sin. Give us the courage to get up and carry on when we stumble. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus meets his mother

Mary had not abandoned her son. The meeting which both must have dreaded fulfilled Simeon’s prophecy. She goes with him all the way.

Let us pray. Loving God, you know mothers suffer with their children. We pray your comfort on grieving mothers all over the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Simon helps Jesus carry his cross

A bystander is forced to help Jesus carry his cross. We too can alleviate suffering in others, if we recognize the pain, and do something.

Let us pray: Loving God, it is your son Jesus who helps us carry our cross, and you never  ask us to endure beyond our strength. Bless you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Veronica wipes Jesus' face

A woman comes forward and in a gesture of compassion wipes the blood-streaked face of Jesus with a cloth. The image of the face remains.

Let us pray: Loving God, you send helpers to comfort us in suffering. Inspire us to see the image of your son in others who suffer. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus falls the second time

Another fall despite the help. Sometimes our help cannot forestall further suffering in others. We can help them pick themselves up and go on.

Let us pray: Loving God, your son persevered for us in going to his death. In our own struggles give us a strong memory of his indomitable spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem, who lament at the sight of him. Jesus is mindful of the future destruction of the city, and advises them to save their tears for themselves and their children.

Let us pray: God of love, help us realize that there are always those who are worse off than we are, and help us reach out to them in compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus falls a third time

A third fall indicates complete exhaustion. Frequent falls in life point to weakness and perhaps addiction. This can be hell on earth for the sufferer.

Let us pray: Loving God, we pray for those cursed by any addiction. Draw near to them with your healing love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus is stripped of his garments

Jesus was stripped of all articles of clothing: He would be crucified naked and humiliated. All dignity removed, a slave.

Let us pray: Loving God, your son took his whole humanity to the cross. Help us always respect our own bodies and those of others, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus is nailed to the cross

The executioners who nailed Jesus to the cross were hardened professionals. The nails were placed expertly to support the body for as long as possible.

Let us pray: Lord God, you allowed your son to go through this unspeakable ordeal, and to be raised up as a sign of your love for all people. Let us cherish this sign in our hearts, in Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus dies on the cross

After the agonizing jolt of anchoring the cross upright, Jesus hangs between two thieves for three hours and becomes so weak from blood loss that he cannot breathe and death ensues.

Let us pray: Loving God, help us this Good Friday to enter into this mystery of the death of Jesus. Let this death be a saving sign for people of every age and culture. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus is taken down from the cross

At last the nails are removed, and the lifeless body of Jesus is lowered gently into the arms of his faithful mother whose grief knew no bounds.

Let us pray: Loving God, help us to enter into this mystery of the death of Jesus. Let it not be in vain for a single person on the earth. We ask in Jesus’ name, Amen

Jesus is placed in the tomb

So that the body may be buried before the beginning of the Sabbath, Jesus’ body is laid in the tomb of a friend and sealed with a stone.

Let us pray: Loving God, by your power the grave could not contain Jesus. We believe in his Resurrection, and look to our own sharing in his glory, in Jesus’ name  Amen

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