August Crossword
1 Word used by Pope John XXIII in calling the Church to a spirit of change and open-mindedness (13)
8 A ragman worked out this clue! (7)
9 The theme remains, even if Tom changes! (5)
10 God dooms city for lack of change! (5)
11 An annointing can be extreme! (7)
12 One of the Church’s purple seasons (6)
14 There’s no men in this gentleman, what a confused jumble! (6)
17 North American reindeer (7)
19 Brush reverts to small bush! (5)
22 At an earlier time he was a monastic superior! (5)
23 A story told by Jesus (7)
24 A movement stemming from the teachings of such as Martin Luthur, John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli. (13)
1 Gather up (5)
2 A device or person, for the prevention of injury (5)
3 A ransom exchanged for a rower! (7)
4 Halo about or over the head in the representation of a saint (6)
5 “Cunning is but the low __ of wisdom” - Plato (5)
6 The absence of everything (7)
7 An illegal act (7)
12 A ready mixed drink containing alcohol (7)
13 Dizziness when looking down from a great height (7)
15 An orals failure means you’re a loser! (4-3)
16 A raised platform from which a sermon is preached (6)
18 An ornamental case to hold the corporal when not in use (5)
20 Hebrew title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher (5)
21 Freshwater fish native to Europe (5)
Solutions for July
Across: 1 Baal, 3 Irenaeus, 9 Niggard, 10 Sepia, 11 Feria, 12 Elijah, 14 Cosmos, 16 Novena, 19 Impose, 21 Dulia, 24 Theft, 25 Martini, 26 Hesitant, 27 Pyre.
Down: 1 Benefice, 2 Anger, 4 Red Sea, 5 Nisei, 6 Expiate, 7 Slat, 8 Lavabo, 13 Paradise, 15 Summers, 17 Orders, 18 Sermon, 20 Octet, 22 Laity, 23 Etch.
The winner of the June Crossword was Marie Scott of Levin, NZ.