A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Death of a Marist

Fr. Thomas Gordon Kerins sm

5 December 1915 - 3 February 201

Veteran Maori Missioner 1944-1985
Novelist: No Lasting City, 1981 (The Dunmore Press)

Fr Thomas Gordon Kerins

Fr Thomas Gordon Kerins sm

From the Homily by Fr. Frank Twiss sm
Should a Requiem be a time of sadness or celebration?   In truth, we know there are elements of both.  Those of us who knew Gordy so well will certainly miss him a great deal.  By the same token, we’re grateful for the extraordinary character of his Christian witness.

I would challenge you to ponder the “happy attitudes” of Matthew ch.5 and see how they applied to his life.  Let me exemplify: we live in a very secular society; “blessed are the rich for they can have anything they want”; but Jesus says “blessed are the poor in spirit, namely those who put their trust in God rather than in money  -  those who realise it’s not their money that makes them rich, but the kind of people that they are”.

The world says “blessed are those who live it up”; to which Jesus replies “blessed are those who mourn - and it’s only those who love who are capable of true mourning”.

The world says “blessed are the tough and the strong; but Jesus says “blessed are the gentle” - gentleness isn’t a form of weakness.  It’s a form of great strength.  As we know there are many vital tasks which only gentleness can accomplish.

The world says “blessed are those who hunger for power, status and fame”; but Jesus says “blessed are those who hunger for what is right”.   To live rightly is what life is all about.

The world says “blessed are those who show no mercy and take no prisoners”; but Jesus says “blessed are the merciful  -  happy are those who make allowances for the sins of others, and whose greatness lies in their ability to forgive”.

The world says “happy are those who have clean fingernails, bright teeth and clear skins”; but Jesus says “blessed are those who have clean hearts. It’s from the heart that all our thoughts, words and deeds flow.

The world says “blessed are the trouble-makers and warmongers”;  but Jesus says “blessed are the peacemakers. Happy are those who spread understanding among people, those who welcome the stranger and work for a more just society.

The world says “blessed are those who lie or cheat and get away with it”; but Jesus says “blessed are those who make a stand for what is right”.

As a great lover of Western novels, Gordy hit the target on practically every occasion with regard to  gospel attitudes, not to mention his five holes in one on the golf course.

We thank God for a most memorable life; eternal rest grant unto him O Lord…….

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