A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Canticle to the God of Light

Praise be to the God of Light!
praise at morning, praise in the silvered night!

Dust are we and live in darkened ways
Unless we search and find His lighted rays.
We therefore lift our hearts and minds aloft
-to praise the God of Light!

We praise Him for His kaleidoscopic world
His light and dark alternately unfurled.

For moonlight on a forest floorSunlight
star-light through an open door
sun on sea and sand on shore.

For deepest caves and stalactites
reflections, glow-worms, stalagmites.

For rushing river’s effervescence
Falling water’s iridescence
Rising vapour’s incandescence.

For sombre shade of forest gloom
Hills aflame with yellow broom.

For steeples, towers, domes and spires
sheen along the length of wires.

For the sun-tipped wing of a bird in flight
a meteor shooting through the night.

For a limpid lake in a liquid dream
Pebbles in a sparkling stream
moon-moths in a fluted beam.

For all His unexpected light-
The beaded eyes of beasts at night,
His insects, small, bejewelled and bright.

For puddles in a sudden sun,
rainbows when the storm is done.

For a booted bee in a tansied flower
a spangled web in a summer shower.

We praise Him
for that surprising silver trail
of His humped and humble morning snail

For glistening frogs and water weeds
pods and thistle down and seeds
mists among the meadow reeds.

For dappled daylight under trees
for all earth’s fine transparencies
winter’s fragile traceries
phosphorous on heavy seas
blown spume on a sunlit breeze
stars and farthest galaxies

We praise Him
We praise the Living God of Light

Fay Clayton

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