A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Stations of the Cross

Images: St John the Evangelist Church, Otara

Photos: Manuel Beazley

Text: Adapted from the Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis at the Colosseum on Good Friday 2013

Stat 1

First Station:
Jesus is condemned to death

Lord Jesus, do not allow us to be among those who act unjustly. Do not allow injustice to condemn the innocent to despair and death. Confirm them in hope and illumine the consciences of those with authority in this world, that they may govern with justice.

Stat 2

Second Station:
Jesus carries his cross

Lord Jesus, you accepted humiliation and stood alongside the weak. We entrust to you all who are humiliated and suffering. Grant that they may find in you the strength to carry their crosses. We commend to you all who feel lost, and pray that they may find consolation in help from good people. Amen.

Stat 3

Third Station:
Jesus falls the first time

Lord Jesus, raise us from our own falls, lead our wandering spirit back to your Truth. Grant, Lord, that we may open ourselves to the action of your Holy Spirit, that the Spirit may lead us to the fullness of Truth.

Stat 4

Fourth Station:
Jesus meets his Mother

Lord Jesus, in our families we experience the sufferings caused to children by their parents and to parents by their children. Grant that our families may be places of your presence. Support our families and make them oases of love, peace and serenity.

Stat 5

Fifth Station:
Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the Cross

Lord Jesus, we want to be your disciples and to carry your cross every day. We will try to carry it with joy and hope because you are carrying it with us and because you have triumphed over death for us. We give you thanks, Lord, for every sick or ailing person who knows how to bear witness to your love. Amen

Stat 6

Sixth Station:
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Lord Jesus, Veronica reminds us that you are present in every person who suffers. Grant that we may find you in the poor, in the least of your sisters and brothers. Help us to wipe away the tears of those who weep, to take care of those who suffer and to support those who are weak. Amen

Stat 7

Seventh Station:
Jesus falls the second time

Lord Jesus, in your second fall, we recognise so many of our situations from which there seems to be no way of escape. We pray for those who are addicted to substances or habits, that they may have the “courage to change the things they can change.” Amen.

Stat 8

Eighth Station:
Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem who weep for him

Lord Jesus, may meeting with you be the desire of our hearts. Let our path, filled with sufferings, always be a path of hope, with you and towards you, for you are the refuge of our lives and our Salvation. Amen.


Stat 9

Ninth Station:
Jesus falls for the third time

Lord Jesus, from the moment of your Incarnation, you carried the cross of human suffering and sin. You show us that victory over sin and evil is possible, and that the path into the fullness of God’s love is open if we place all our trust in you. Amen.

Stat 10

Tenth Station:
Jesus is stripped of his garments

Lord Jesus, grant us to conquer fear before the events of life that strip us and leave us vulnerable, and to put on the new person of our Baptism, so that we may announce the Good News, proclaiming that you are the only true God who guides history. Amen

Stat 11

Eleventh Station:
Jesus is nailed to the cross

Lord Jesus, your love has filled the universe. Your pierced hands are our refuge in distress. They embrace us whenever the abyss of sin threatens us, and in your wounds we find healing and forgiveness. Amen

Stat 12

Twelfth Station:
Jesus dies on the cross

Lord Jesus, may every one of us be able to cry out with St Gregory Nazianzen: “Yesterday I was crucified with Christ, today I am glorified with him. Yesterday I died with him, today I live with him. Yesterday I was buried with him. Today I have risen with him.” Amen.

Stat 13

Thirteenth Station:
Jesus is taken down from the cross

Lord Jesus, those who love you remain at your side and keep faith. In the hour of your agony and death, when the world believes that evil triumphs and that the voice of truth, love, justice and peace is silent, their faith does not fail. May we too be strong in faith. Amen.

Stat 14

Fourteenth Station:
Jesus is laid in the tomb

Lord Jesus, make us children of the light who do not fear the darkness of death. We pray to you today for all those who search for meaning in life and for all those who have lost hope, that they may have faith in your victory over sin and death. Amen

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